Golden Week 2024

Golden Week 2024

In Japan, April 29th (Showa Day), May 3rd (Constitution Memorial Day), May 4th (Greenery Day), and May 5th (Children's Day, observed on May 6th this year) are national holidays.

All suppliers, carriers and partners will be closed or will maintain only limited services during the entire week.
In order to avoid hundreds of orders piling up for Tuesday 7th, we will be working on April 30th, May 1st, and May 2nd.

Please also note that orders containing products that are order-made or out of stock might suffer a delay of about 2 weeks if their production/preparation time includes the Golden Week. This delay is taken into account by our system, and the date indicated at checkout stays accurate.

As usual, our website will stay fully operational.

See you soon on!

(Picture by Yoshikazu TAKADA)

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